Nude and Sexy Battle of the Comediennes

Sexy and funny, always a truly great combination, so here we take a look at some of the sexiest comediennes, and in this age of nude celebs, how they got naked as well! Check out Chelsea Handler nude, Kristen Wiig naked, Sarah Silverman’s pussy, Nikki Glaser sexy as hell, some great Iliza Shlesinger nudity, Amy Schumer’s tits, and Tina Fey showing her nipple on live TV. So, in no particular order, here are some of the best looking and sometimes funniest comediennes out there…

Iliza Shlesinger Big Tits Selfies

Iliza is the proud owner of a very nice pair of tits indeed, and as we can see by this media outing of some sort or another has the rest of the body to match

iliza shlesinger sexy downblouse sideboob

She looks a treat in a bikini too, that cleavage is damn inviting…

iliza shlesinger big tits cleavage

And as with most everyone with a cheeky sense of humor, nudity isn’t a problem for Iliza – big tits and a slim toned figure are the icing on the cake in this playful nude selfie from the funnygirl.

iliza shlesinger nude


Chelsea Handler Nude In Public Again

Chelsea is maybe the most exhibitionist of the comediennes, it feels like she gets naked even more than Kim Kardashian does, whipping out her big milf tits at every opportunity, the only difference being that Kim has had her vag out whereas Chelsea’s pussy has so far been a little more elusive, but we have a fairly high degree of confidence it won’t be too long before she joins the other celebs showing their EVERYTHING!

Ms Handler is also well known for her many topless and nude images she shares, and also likes to stroll around in public with her jugs on show – she is definitely a nudist at heart!

chelsea handler tits in public

To see her nude skiing, nude waterskiing, nude… well just a ton of her nude videos, visit our dedicated Chelsea Handler nude pics and videos page.

Amy Schumer Nude At The Beach

Amy is no stranger to getting her clothes off for the camera in the name of a joke, and is comfortable doing so whatever stage of body shape she is in, and good for her! Very naturally pretty, her weight goes up and down but she never shies away from embracing nudity and rightly slaps down those who try to body shame her. Sexiness is so often a state, and whether you like women fat, thin, in-between, or both, there’s never an excuse for slating someone for having the figure *you* don’t like. I do prefer Amy on her slimmer days, but love that she chooses to go nude regardless what anyone else thinks.

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And I mean, just take a look at Amy Schumer’s blowjob technique here, no way would I turn down that chance if I had it!

amy schumer blowjob sexy funny

Schumer also has quite the big tits cleavage as evidenced in this shot, that looks a nice place to park your cock before shooting your load between them… and a lovely leg flash as well for good measure

amy schumer big tits sideboob

And here is Amy Schumer naked as a jaybird for us, bare butt nude on the beach (highly recommended by the way if you’ve never done any nude sunbathing!).

amy schumer butt naked

You can see more of Amy Schumer nude with her celebrity friends (including their sex tapes) IF you are over the age of 18 by following the link below:


Sarah Silverman Full Frontal Pussy

No coyness from the legendary jokester, as we are treated to a Sarah Silverman full frontal pussy scene from the movie Take This Waltz, and also get to see the amazing big tits she sports in some seriously sexy cleavage revealing outfits. The busty brunette loves to flaunt her big baps in low cut dresses, and we are almost spoilt for choice at her downblouse and sideboob antics. You can see a bunch more on our dedicated Sarah Silverman nude and sexy page here at CelebMeat, but here are Sarah’s entries for this sexy & nude comediennes battle…

sarah silverman cleavage downblouse

This is such a deep cut dress we aren’t even sure whether it’s classed as cleavage or sideboob, but look closely at Sarah’s left breast and you’ll spot a hint of nip slip!

Another nice shot of what could double up as ski skopes below, again proving that Ms Silverman embraces a bit of chest flashing whenever she feels the urge…

sarah silverman mega cleavage

And here are the nudes. It’s somewhat of a shame we see Sarah Silverman’s pussy in it natural form, we would have loved to have seen her bare shaved pussy on the big screen a la Rosario Dawson pussy style, but considering Sarah is foremost a comedienne who has also branched out into acting, she shows some proverbial balls by stripping fully naked for the camera. Sassy fucker that she is.

sarah silverman pussy


Kristen Wiig Nude Pussy

As well as the Kristen Wiig nude video – and kudos for baring all in a full frontal scene just like Sarah Silverman above did – here are a few sexy pictures from this contestant:

kristen wiig nude

There was the ass, here are the tits

kristen wiig sexy nude

and Kristen’s pussy completes her appearance (for now!)…

kristen wiig pussy

For the rest of this saucy girl’s nakedness click the link if you’re old enough!


Tina Fey Nip Slip

The creator of 30 Rock, and Saturday Night Live regular Tina is a hard one to catch naked, and the nudiest pic of her is a nipple slip at the Emmy awards way back in 2013 (uncensored picture further below). She has a fantastic pair of legs though:

tina fey sexy legs

In keeping with what seems to be quite the trend with these girls giving blowjob poses, we also present this snap of Tina with a giant sized cock in her mouth, albeit from the Invisible Man

tina fey sexy blowjob pose

Wrapping things up is this now infamous Tina Fey nipple slip – not what we would class as the greatest celebrity nipslip out there, but hey, we’ll take what we can get when the Tina Fey nudes are as rare as rocking horse shit

tina fey nipple slip

nude celebrities

Nikki Glaser Pokies

Another comedienne that it is damn hard to find nudity of, though as always our guys over at this celeb repository came up with more than a few goodies, including this leggy shot that shows off some nice upper thigh just a gnat’s cock away from an upskirt

nikki glaser sexy legs

Don’t you just hate it when a beautiful celebrity goes on television and her dress snaps open, revealing her tits? No, us neither, and fair play to Nikki for making light of it – hey, it’s just tits right, no harm no foul!

nikki glaser tit flash

Nikki also gets a few bonus points for posting this video detailing how she tweaked her nipples to get them erect in preparation for a publicity shot. This lady knows what sells, and made sure those Nikki Glaser pokies were visible!

Well, that was an enjoyable journey through some of the naughtiest comediennes nude and sexy, and you can see more of them here, or just go direct to the nude video library for what we aren’t allowed to post here!

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