Chelsea Peretti, in case you missed it, has quite the amazing pair of tits on her. It’s about time those puppies got some more exposure, so here we go with the Californian cuties greatest hits…
We’ve also included tidbits about the funnygirl below, collated from around the web, which we haven’t personally verified, but are from sources that are usually reliable. If in doubt, check! That said, let’s get this party started – we have a bit of a thing for sexy comediennes nude and Ms Peretti definitely makes that cut
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Big Tits and Braless Dresses
Chelsea almost had our eyes out with her gigantic cleavage showcasing her big milf tits with more than a hint of nude skin on display. Eyes weren’t the only thing popping as she attended the POW as guest speaker, and even remarked on how she was making a speech ‘standing here with my tits out’. What a superstar!
In 2004, Peretti made her first television appearance on a show called The Comedy Lab. Peretti produced content for publications such as The Huffington Post, Playgirl, The Village Voice, Details and American Theatre Magazine. After terminating her iconic role as Gina Linetti in 2018 she released a comedy concept album Foam Flotsam: My Love of Coffee, and appeared in Andrea Dorfman’s film The Spinster. As an aside, it would appear she follows in the footsteps of fellow female comedians when it comes to breast size – we can’t help but notice the similarities with big tit celebrity milfs Chelsea Handler Naked, and Sarah Silverman’s Nude Tits. Check them out and see what you think.
Chelsea Vanessa Peretti is best known for playing Gina Linetti on Brooklyn Nine-Nine comedy series and for writing for Parks and Recreation and Saturday Night Live. She is also known for her role as Gina Linnett’s childhood friend Andy Samberg. Peretti was a regular on the Brooklyn Nine-Nine crime and police comedy from 2013 to 2019 as the character of Gina “Gina” Linetti until she announced her departure from the show in October 2018.
Chelsea brought a lot of pleasure on set to the actors and crew with her funny portrayal of Gina Linetti, a longtime friend to colleague Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) who feels loyal to her police counterparts, but also irritates and entertains her peers with lax attitudes and narcissistic behavior. She is a firm fan favorite, and delivers her lines and overall acting with wonderfully funny aplomb.
The actress returned as Gina Linetti in the 15th episode of the sixth season “The Return of the King”. Chelsea was named one of the Top 10 Variety Comics to Watch, placed on Comedy Central’s Hotlist of Comedians, was covergirl for Vanity Fair’s 2013 Comedy Issue, and was named one of Time Magazine’s 140 Best Tweet Feeds of 2013.
Chelsea Peretti’s Flotation Devices
Yeah it’s an old joke, but when you have a pair of boobs like Chelsea has, and post a snap of yourself with wet tits in the pool, an old joke is what you get. It’s not like anyone is reading any of this text, what with the naked parts on display throughout this page.
Peretti is fucking Jordan Peele (or vice versa, depending on how you want to phrase it), and the pair have kept fairly low-key about their relationship, but they share good news from time to time and let the world in bit by bit. For a while, rumors circulated that Andy Samberg, who worked on the hit sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine with Peretti, had cast the two comedians as Peele and Peretti, but according to Samberg that doesn’t work. What does he know.
Sideboob And Cleavage FTW
A gal who obviously knows she has some sizeable, and good looking assets, it’s when Chelsea scrubs up that we get to see how good a figure she has. Not that that’s all there is to her – far from it – but to deny a lot of us like looking at a sexy celebrity is to ignore nature. And nature is what gave Chelsea that hot bod, so all good, right!
By the way, in 2011 she was cast as voice of several characters on the adult geared animation series China IL. She also had a stand-up special on Comedy Central Presents. After this, Chelsea Peretti began writing for various programs, most recently Pop and The Kroll Show. A lady with many talents.
Big Tits Lady In Red
Kind of Chelsea to put a weighty bag on, and place the strap between her breasts, all the better for us to see how large and juicy her melons are. Funny, sexy, and golden hearted – what more could you wish for!
She says of Brooklyn 99: And the thing is that I wanted Jake and Gina to be in comedic situations with high stakes. That’s not to say that all women must be warm and funny, but I feel that our characters have a lot of comedy tropes at their disposal.
The sibling to 2 brothers and a sister, she was nominated for the 2014 American Comedy Awards for the best comedy supporter actress in television and was nominated for the Best Favorite Comedy Series for Fox’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013). She says of feature performances: “The funny thing is, you know, comedians hate many aspects of stand-up specials. Not only does your Netflix special have to contain plenty of good jokes, it also has to contain plenty of jokes for an hour-long comedy special.”