Quite the saucy minx on the sly, Kirsten Wiig shows us her small tits in a variety of low dresses, push-up bras, and gives us a flash in her bikini top for good measure. This 47 year old mature milf gets better with age, and obviously feels a lot more comfortable with nudity – a trait most women who previously were not quite so comfortable with nakedness seem to gain as they get older and have less fucks to give about what other people think.
Which is absolutely fucking fantastic news for the likes of degenerates like you and me, as it also means she was happy to strip off completely in 2014 for some film called Welcome To Me, when she was 41. A nice full frontal, pussy and all, which you can see at: https://celebmeat.com/all.php
In this post we are going to take a look at Kristen’s 34A titties so let’s get started:
Her breasts look pretty good in this shot, and though she is ‘officially’ down as having 34A perkies, we reckon she is a bigger boob size than that.
Here’s that bikini flash we mentioned – there’s something about a woman even doing this motion, as if to say ‘Look!!!’ that we are big fans of anyway, and when it’s a celebrity letting either their playful, or sexual side, it just makes it even hotter…
By the way, Kristen is a Leo, having been born on 22nd August, 1973. She also has probably the weirdest nickname we’ve ever heard of for anyone, celeb or not: The Brown Cow. Strange friends she has. Anyway, here’s an ‘aim your cum right in there’ angle of her beanbags –
Here’s a blonde Ms Wiig giving us a fine example of the classic downblouse, we believe this was in her role in ‘Nobodies’. You could happily slip your cock in that cleavage.
I like to think this is Kristen as she spies my cock primed and ready for her, and starts to rush on over to get her mouth wrapped around it. Hopefully her mouth will be opening a bit wider than this though
A woman who goes outside in public wearing a bra and nothing on top, is my kind of woman. And here’s the star of this page doing exactly that.. has she been reading my diary?
And finally here’s her lovely legs to go with that cleavage popping out – an older shot of her, and a sexy as hell one too. Thanks for the jerkoff material Kristen, you amazing, charitable person you